I'm Michaela Salma Navisa Zahro, just call me Navisa:)
I am Indonesian , currently living in Kendal, Central Java, was born in 1999.
I speak Bahasa Indonesia, English, Arab and I love fashion, design graphic, painting , singing, acting, dancing, photography, and i love everything about art.
In 2015 I opened this blog, as time goes by this blog changed a lot because I like to renew and update its look. I just a student from my little city.
My Intention is to share my hobbies and love for Fashion, Music and Art. I express it into my daily style, on how I dressed up myself.
Thank you for everyone who keep supporting me in everything I do and loving me for who I am.
this blog for education of my vacational high school, so not just for hijab, but there was a information about IT.